
Friday, September 23, 2011

-18 Weeks, post-appointment

We are in for it with this baby. I am already so in love with how stubborn this little one is.

When I lay down for the ultrasound, the technician immediately said, "Oh, the baby is breech. There's plenty of time to turn around, but the way they are laying is going to make it hard to get this picture." She could take lots of pictures of the heart, but the specific one she wanted was hard to get. It took a good hour of her poking and prodding, then me laying on my left side, trying to get Baby J to roll over. Eventually, things turned and she was able to get the picture. Since that was all they needed, we didn't get any pictures, but oh well. I have lots already and will be getting more when they start doing monthly growth scans. Afterward, for about 2 hours, the baby let me know it did NOT appreciate someone poking and prodding them by rolling and kicking. I think I felt more strong movement today than I have the whole time!

Stephen was breech, so he is really enjoying how stubborn his niece/nephew is. I'm hoping the baby turns because I'd really like to go naturally instead of having a cesarean.

I managed to get in a nap this evening when I got home and it was awesome. Dex has been a difficult drug this time around. I'm just hoping the weekend passes quickly.

-18 Weeks...Second most stressful week so far?

The week in the hospital definitely takes the cake for the most stressful week so far. However, I think this week comes in as a close second. If you've asked me how I'm doing, I've probably given the Reader's Digest version of "Fine" or "Good" because I knew once I got started I wouldn't be able to stop.

Monday I called the Jacksonville clinic to try and get my shot early. No response from the doctor there. However, after events on Tuesday, I think this was the secretary's fault. I'm not sure if she transferred me to the wrong extension or what. I go in Tuesday, not my regular day, just to see if they have the medication. She is on the phone on what seems to be a personal call and has me sit down. Even after she gets off the phone, she doesn't acknowledge my presence, but the lab tech saw me when she picked up another patient. She came out and I told her what was going on, we talked to the RN who said she did have the meds, and I got a CBC. My platelets were at 2k on the first run through. There was some value that didn't come up, so she had to run it again. This time, they were 0.

The doctor came out and we discussed options. I told him I felt this rollercoaster was due to the fact that 4 mcg was just too much for me. I skyrocket, then drop wayyy down and have to do dex. He agreed that the dex was just becoming too much. We decided to do 3.5 mcg on Tuesday and I would start coming in Monday and Thursday for lab draws. This way, if I did go too high, I could be monitored more closely than 7 days after that count. I felt like this was reasonable.

I get my dex refilled, make supper, and am hanging out with the dogs. Jimmy had been texting me, asking if I needed him at home. There wasn't really anything he could do for me--I wasn't actively bleeding or anything, and I was taking it easy. About 9, I get a phone call that he needs to go to the hospital and get stitches. Jimmy NEVER goes to the hospital and has NEVER had stitches. I'm thinking the worst. I tell him I'm absolutely not taking him to Onslow and we decide to meet at Carteret General (or whatever it's called). I get there a little before 10 and the nurse triages him. His cut did not LOOK that bad, it was pretty short, but he assured me it was deep. After hours of bad tv, stiff sitting positions, and vending machine snacks, they finally call him back about 1:30 to get looked at. He gets 3 stitches, his finger splinted up and a tetanus shot. We got home around 4 AM. The next day, occupational health at his work tells him he has to go on light duty, which means he has to work day shift until his stitches are removed. Total sleep transition! But he did come home early Wednesday (about 5:30) so he could start at 7 on Thursday.

Jimmy wasn't going to go with me to my appointments today, because his advanced sick leave hasn't been completely approved yet. However, with me coming off Dex, the first day is rough. I didn't feel comfortable making that round trip by myself. Pregnancy brain has kicked in and I really thought my dad was going to be in Raleigh for a conference, then coming to Sunset over the weekend. I was going to ask if he had a double bed room and if I could come up and spend the night with him Thursday. Um...he's in Monroe this week, Raleigh next week, and Sunset next weekend. Oh. So Jimmy decided to go ahead and come with me, then go to Deven's to help him with the floor this weekend. I asked if he was going to really be able to help and he says he thinks it'll be fine. I hope so for Margo's sake! I can empathize with unfinished projects! We spent the night with Jackie, my MIL last night. THEY slept. After 3 days of Dex, I think I may have slept for about 4 hours total. I probably didn't get to sleep until close to 1, and even then I was getting up to pee or move around. I got up around 7:20 and even though I was fine laying down, when I sat up I suddenly had heartburn! Who doesn't have heartburn until they sit up?! It was kind of funny. I've not had a LOT this pregnancy, just occasionally. Thankfully I have an emergency stash of Tums in my purse. Jimmy laughed the first time he saw it, but I'm not the only one who's raided the stash!

So I'm hoping all goes well with my appointments today. I have a blood draw at 11, ultrasound at 11:30, and then the OB appointment at 1. Praying that everything is safe with the baby. I've felt some stronger kicks this week, but s/he kind of slacked off on Wednesday, which of course worried me a bit. At this stage, seeing that ultrasound image is the most reassuring sight I can possibly imagine...especially after this week.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

-19 Weeks--the countDOWN is on!

It's a little scary to think that this pregnancy is halfway over! But then again, while some people will say theirs flew by, I don't think mine has so far. It seems like it was a long time ago that we got the two lines on our test. I'm not complaining, and I'm not wishing away this time at all. It just seems different from what a lot of others have experienced.

Nplate update--after last weekend on 3 days of steroids, my counts were 187 on Monday, then 521 on Wednesday. Obviously 4 mcg of Nplate is way too much, but no one listens to me. I think we're going to try to do the shot on Monday before I get so low.

I have, in the past week or two, realized that our life is about to completely change. I doubt Jimmy and I will stop doing certain things, but it will definitely be different with a tiny person in the house. The spontaneous day trips will be different, because we'll have to pack a bag with diapers, bottles, wipes, food, and clothes before we go anywhere. I'm hoping to keep a small bag packed with these items just for spontaneity's sake. It does make me a little sad that one chapter of our life is closing. However, I know the adventure that awaits us is completely worth it!

I'm starting to nest. Jimmy thinks nesting is cleaning, but in my mind, it's getting ready for this baby in any way, shape, or form. I've cleaned out our bedroom and still have a few things to do in there. We have both started in the music room. Mom and I finally set a date for my shower at home, and I'm really excited about the chance to throw a party and try out some recipes for entertaining! We were lucky enough to find the travel system I wanted for $230 cheaper than online, and it's in great shape. The car seat doesn't expire until 2013, so it'll last until Baby J outgrows it.

Also, something I haven't talked about in my blog, is the great support group of other January 2012 Mommies I have met. Through, I joined a January 2012 First Time Moms group. Within that group, several of us started posting to "Kill The Thread," posting 1000 posts on a discussion thread until it closes automatically. While I've been skeptical in the past of online friendships, I truly understand them now. These ladies are going through a lot of the same things I am at the same time. It's awesome to have that companionship and support!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

-20 Weeks!

Yes, yes, I know I'm behind. Life has been quite hectic.

And yes, if I think it's hectic now, just wait until 20 weeks from now!

So Wednesday when I went to get my shot, I was 25,000. Not surprising to me, because I missed my shot last week. This always happens when I miss a shot. So I get my 4 mcg and the docs want me to come back in for a count on Friday. I go in on Friday, and we are in the dreaded single digits (3,000). I call Dr. M and we decide to do 3 days of Dex. The *badword* doctor I used to see at the Jacksonville clinic was called (the other guy was out taking his state boards or something) and said, "Take your Dex, then we'll go up to 5 next week." Um, I don't think so, because I'm 99% sure my counts will be too high to get the shot on Wednesday. And did you see what happened when I got 4 last time? It made me go too high (without steroids). But it all depends on counts anyway. So we'll see what happens.

How Far Along: 20 weeks, 3 days

Size of Baby: Measurements changed this week, and now instead of crown to rump, it is crown to feet! So 10 inches this week, the size of a banana.

Maternity Clothes: Some pre-pregnancy shirts still fit okay if they were longer to begin with. Pants are exclusively maternity or elastic waisted

Sleep: Getting up at least twice to pee. I know most women pee more in the first trimester, but I'm obviously not most women.

Best Moment of the Week: Baby moves when I'm anxious or upset, which actually helps calm me down.

Movement: Slowly becoming more regular and predictable--usually early afternoon and then later in the evenings.

Symptoms: weird acid reflux--like I don't feel any acid or heartburn, then have a hiccup/burp and suddenly it's there, but just for a moment. My stomach is never the same shape from day to day. My hips have started hurting again at night.

Food Cravings/Aversions: The thought of salad bars gross me out. How can they make sure everything is at a safe temperature? Yuck.

Gender: Earlier I was using feminine pronouns, then a couple of weeks ago had two boy dreams back to back. So now I'm just using it or they. My brother, the creative writing graduate, has assured me "They" is the proper pronoun.

How is Mommy Feeling: Oh crap, will we get everything done in time?

Total Weight Gain: After doing so well for quite a while, I think about 7. Which isn't awful, but I'm still keeping an eye on it. I'll eat when I'm hungry, but I'm trying to be health-conscious.

What I am looking forward to: This probably sounds really weird, but I have such good food ideas for baby showers. And I want Jimmy to feel the baby move!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spontaneous trip to Myrtle Beach

Monday I woke up and told Jimmy I wanted to go on an adventure. He asked where I wanted to go and I said, "If we go east, we hit the ocean. There's nothing north of us (within drivable distance), and we always go west. Let's go to Myrtle Beach!"

Our friend Chris had stayed over Sunday night and was interested in going with us. We headed out and played I Spy and Twenty Questions in the car. Sadly, we never got any better at Twenty Questions, and none of us was that good to begin with!

Our first stop was at the NASCAR Speedpark. Jimmy and Chris played on go-karts and I watched. I'm not really a fan of go-karts, I don't know why, and with pregnancy I'm not sure I'm supposed to ride them. However, I do get a kick out of watching other people, so it was fun. They had an awesome time.

Then we needed to eat. Jimmy wanted to eat somewhere cliche, and I wanted to try Margaritaville. Cue pregnancy hormones. I told the waiter I'd like a virgin margarita, and he said, "We don't suggest those, because they're just sweet and sour mix. If you have to drink something without alcohol, you might enjoy a daiquiri or pina colada."
#1) You're freaking Margaritaville. How in the world do you not have a decent virgin margarita?
#2) I'm pregnant and I want the flavor of a margarita. I do not want your daiquiri.
#3) I HATE pina colada flavors. Pineapple and coconut are fine separately, but I HATE them together.
I seriously almost cried. And I think that set the mood for the rest of the evening for me. Nothing on the menu sounded good to me. The wing appetizer was good, but when our main dishes came, I thought it was just mediocre. We did get to watch fireworks during our meal though.

We got home about 12:30, tired and happy. It was a really fun mini road trip, and we definitely want to go back and go to Medieval Times at some point this winter. Any takers? I promise not to cry over beverages.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

-21 Weeks...Almost Halfway!

19 Weeks on Thursday! Next week, we'll be even, then it's a countdown.

Jimmy and I are having a kid. Wow.

Someone please tell me that after this realization, I will suddenly begin nesting. It can hit any time! I'm ready! I've been so sleepy lately. Not just tired, but sleepy. Today we were going to start cleaning out Jimmy's music room, but he is having a gout attack. He's in a lot of pain and there's not a lot that can be done. I gave him some Aleve and he went back to sleep. We may try some compresses later and he has cherries to eat. Believe it or not, eating cherries really makes a difference for him. If he feels an attack coming on, he can eat a lot of cherries and it goes away. This is maybe the second full-blown attack he's had since first diagnosed. I hate it for him.

This week when I got my counts done on Wednesday in anticipation of my shot, they were too high for the shot--621,000. This is neither bad nor good. I checked again Friday, to make sure I hadn't dropped suddenly, which is a risk on the Nplate, and they were 604. Hopefully, they'll stay in a safe range between now and Wednesday, my next shot!

Last week we did have appointments with OB and ultrasound. I wasn't too impressed with this OB, because I don't think she read my file before she came in. She asked why I wasn't on a continual low dosage of steroids and I had to explain the Nplate thing to her. She also dismissed my concerns about the risk of gestational diabetes being higher on corticosteroids. Hello! I already have some risk factors for GD and I don't want to increase that risk!

The ultrasound did go much better than the OB visit. Everything looks healthy and normal, and Baby J measures large for gestational age. I'm not surprised, because s/he has always measured a few days early, even at 8 weeks. They didn't change my due date then, but whatever. Babies come when they are ready. I have to say though, I'm not impressed with the pictures we got, but it's always amazing to see that little person. Baby J did not cooperate with all of the heart measurements, so when I go back I have another ultrasound. There's no reason to think anything is wrong, S/he was just VERY comfortable where they were and didn't want to move. I lay on one side, used the bathroom, touched my toes, danced around, and the little booger still wouldn't flip around. I'm hoping we get the tech who did my 12 week ultrasound, because she took really good pictures and was so sweet.

I would put money on this kid coming January 24th, though. Nanny's first reaction when she heard my due date was, "Well it'll come on my birthday." Stephen also said, "This kid will be born exactly 9 months from me." Or the 25th would be good, too, it would be exactly 10 months from Andy's birthday! But when Nanny lays it on you, she's usually right.