
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

-3 + one day...approximately

Monday Appointments
Our ultrasound showed great things--the baby weighs about 3 pounds, 4 ounces, is practicing breathing, and is in the 21st percentile for weight. The Biophysical Profile Score was 8/8, which means the body movements, tone, breathing movements, and amniotic fluid are all normal. The doctor we saw was another Dr. S. We'll call her Dr. S2. I liked her because she had a quiet confidence and was really on top of things as far as knowing my history and my questions. I was glad that she let me know what the protocol was, in case I have another low count and won't have to deal with being in limbo again. Dr. S2 set me up with the nurses to figure out how to use my glucometer after our appointment. It was almost like being a celebrity--these are the nurses who answer the urgent question line, or for people who call in with low platelet counts--so we know each other's names and voices, but we finally got to see each other's faces! Kind of cool :) Taking my blood sugar doesn't bother me, it's the numbers that do. And because I feel like I only have GD due to the massive amounts of steroids I'm currently/have been on. I'm supposedly just monitoring this week, and not supposed to change my diet.

Around 1:30, we went over to the clinic and checked in. Amazingly enough, we got back into the treatment room quickly for the IVIG. Jen and Shane were actually at the Duke clinics too, and we got to see them for a few minutes while I was getting my IV put in! It took a while to get all my premeds in--the pharmacy was slow with my Zofran, and without Zofran life gets UGLY on IVIG. I think Mom and I have permanent memories of the last time I had IVIG without Zofran. Between the Zofran and the Benadryl, I got a really wonderful nap in. We didn't get to leave until just before 7. Dr. M came by and we began discussing what might happen if my counts were low, because on Friday they had dropped to 49 from 82 on Wednesday. This was why Jimmy thought I might need to be admitted. Dr. M starts talking "Defcon 5"--if my counts had dropped and the steroids and the IVIG weren't working, then...but then immediately said, "There's no point in wondering, let's just see what your numbers are." Thankfully, they were at 331k! I had actually dreamed the night before they were 339, so that was pretty funny.

The Twist
We spent another night in Rocky Mount and came home Tuesday. Jimmy had just left for work when my phone rang. It was Dr. S2! She let me know that she had been consulting with Dr. J (you may not remember, she is one of the foremost experts on ITP and pregnancy, but does mostly consultations, not deliveries or office visits so much) and Dr. M. After talking, they decided they were very concerned about the risk of placental abruption as time goes on in this pregnancy. It is not something they can predict and it has hearbreaking outcomes. Therefore, they would like to induce me at 34 weeks. She went on to reassure me, saying basically (I'm paraphrasing) that babies are almost 100% viable at that point, just as they would be at term. I asked if the risk truly increased so much that it was worth the trade off of an early birth and she said they truly felt it was. I told her that Jimmy and I trusted them implicitly to do what was the safest outcome for our baby and me, and if that's what they felt was the best, we would do whatever they said. I have my next appointment December 5th and we will finalize our plan then. The outline is they will probably admit to be sure my counts are where they need to be, then once that happens they will induce. I told Dr. S2 several times how thankful I was that she called me so I could get my mind wrapped around the idea of having a baby in 3 weeks, because I am someone who needs time to process things. Dr. M and I spoke today and he gave me basically the same information, but I was more capable of digesting it today. My sweet husband is going to be a rock for me the next few days. I am incredibly thankful because he says he is nervous and excited, but also seems more at peace, now that they have a plan to keep his wife and child as safe as possible.

34 weeks is December 15th. Before Christmas. Before New Year's. Totally unexpected. I had to pick my chin up off the floor and fight back that nervous laughter reflex when the words first came out of her mouth. I finally moved out of panic attack mode last night, began making my lists, and got a lot accomplished today. We don't need a lot, thanks to the generosity of our friends and families. I'm doing a lot of praying for peace and the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

1 comment:

  1. Wanted to say good luck! I had my son at 33w 1d, and it is scary to think about, but babies have fantastic outcomes at that age. Lots of prayers coming your way.
